We provide services in four different areas: we undertake evaluation assignments of projects and programmes; we are highly specialized as capacity development specialists in the environmental area; we contribute to the development of projects and programmes using our extensive expertise in development projects; and we provide technical services in capacity development.
We conduct evaluation in accordance with international evaluation criteria and professional norms and standards. We are particularly well versed with the norms and standards adopted by the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG). Each assignment is undertaken in-line with evaluation principles such as independence, impartiality, transparency, disclosure, ethical, partnership, competencies/ capacities, credibility and utility. Our evaluations provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful. Findings are triangulated through the concept of “multiple lines of evidence” using several review tools and gathering information from different types of stakeholders and different levels of management. Our evaluations are independent, impartial and rigorous and each one clearly contributes to learning and accountability. We also follow the “Ethical Guidelines of Evaluations” of UNEG. We have personal and professional integrity and are guided by propriety in the conduct of our business.
Technical Support
Based on our extensive experience in international development, we provice technical support to projects and programmes, including project management and monitoring, capacity development, and environmental policy development. We are also highly specialized in mainstreaming global agreements such as multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in national policy, legislation and institutional frameworks.
Capacity Development
Capacity development is often associated with training at the individual level. Our approach to capacity development includes training but is also looking into capacities of organizations and the broader system. A holistic approach seeking to increase skills and knowledge of individuals, to improve mechanisms, structures and procedures of organizations and to ensure an enbabling environment through adequate policy, legislation and institutional frameworks. The diagram below reflects our approach:
We have contributed to the development of numerous projects. Our intervention is always conducted according to international norms and standards. We follow particularly those developed by each client. A strong emphasis is placed on the identification of capacity gaps/needs of local contexts and on the participation of stakeholders /beneficiaries in order to develop projects reinforcing existing capacities and responding to local needs. This approach ensures a better ownership and subsequently a better long-term sustainability of project achievements.
Mr. Bellamy is a member of the Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP) since 2004 and as such he adheres to the “Professional Code of Conduct” of the association.